Hustle Mug

Hi everyone!  Well, I’ve never “blogged” before, nor do I read blogs, so this should be interesting.  I hear that I’m supposed to “write from the heart,” so let’s go for it!  First, let me say how thrilled I was with yesterday’s premiere of my UPMC “Medical Monday” spot.  The wonders of makeup and editing!  But seriously, I was humbled and honored that Dr. Francis and the good folks at UPMC asked me to be their Integrative Oncology ambassador.  I have seen excellent results with the Integrative techniques that I’ve utilized to augment my treatment plan, so this girl is a believer! Here it is:

Second, I always set “ground rules” for anything formal I present, so I guess I can do that now:

  1. I am pretty opinionated, but my opinions are my own; not my husband’s, parents, kids’, friends’ or anyone else’s – just want to make sure that if I drag myself down, it’s just me – not any of my loved ones. If you are closed minded, don’t read my blog.
  2. I will talk about life, cancer, special needs, etc – I will use “colorful” language at times. If that offends you, don’t read my blog.
  3. I am a God person, so I will talk about my faith and God.  If that offends you, please substitute “energy,” “the universe,” or “the forces of life” or don’t read my blog.  I have many “non God” friends who don’t pray, and I love them.  I am like a well-known couples’ resort here – “all inclusive.” BYOB (Bring Your Own Beliefs).

Is anyone left who will read my blog?

For that one person out there (who I pay…), here are more ground rules:

  1. I hate to read – I don’t read books.  The last book I read was “To Kill A Mockingbird” in ninth grade, and that was because I had to.  So just for my own “attention and time challenged” self, I will try to keep each blog short and sweet (maybe not so sweet…see #2 above).
  2. I will try and give you something you can use each time.  I HATE sitting through lectures and conference calls and walking away saying, “I learned NOTHING!” I am practical to a fault, so let’s make this somewhat useful.
  3. I use “quotes” a lot – I am 45 years old, so I am a B.H. (before #hashtags) dinosaur.  Embrace the “quotes!”  LOL!

OK, that’s enough for now.  I’ll come up with some nifty acronyms, but for now, here’s my “useful tip of the day:”  (See #1…) I’ll only pass stuff along that I’ve done or am doing myself:

BEFORE your coffee (and believe me, I love coffee.  Coffee is life), begin each day with a cup of hot water with 3 drops of essential lemon oil (nutritional grade, which means it can be ingested).  I used to do lemon juice, until I read that it wears away the enamel on your teeth.  I can’t afford to lose any enamel, since chemotherapy is doing a good job on that… there are a ton of health benefits which you can google on your own, but simply put, it is an excellent anti-inflammatory cleansing drink for your GI tract.  Hot, because it will match your internal body temperature for easy absorption.

Peace in your world tonight,
